Hotel Città di Parenzo

Bed & Breakfast

Historic cafes


Vevo, Stendhal, Joyce, Saba... are just some of the names that have walked the streets of Trieste, but above all, they actively frequented the cafes of our city. Indeed, historically cafes were used as meeting places for cultural and ideological exchanges, or simply as places of reflection, where writers, as well as citizens, took a break during the day. And it is for this reason that in Trieste, some cafes enjoy the mention of being "historic locales", because within their walls they encapsulate the history of writers, of ordinary citizens, but above all they keep alive the tradition of "enjoying a good coffee". But why is Trieste also nicknamed the "city of coffee"? Because from the 18th century onwards, the port of Trieste represented the point of entry into Europe for coffee beans. In the city and its outskirts, coffee roasters were established over time, where coffee beans were roasted and prepared for grinding. Today, only a few roasting houses have survived... but that's a story we'll dedicate another page of our blog to 😉 Currently, there are five main historic cafes in the city that we recommend our guests to visit: Caffè degli Specchi, Caffè Tommaseo, Antico Caffè Torinese, Caffè San Marco, and Caffè Pasticceria La Bomboniera. On the "Around Trieste" section of our website, you will find a brief itinerary ready to be explored, with short descriptions and curiosities about these places where you can breathe a timeless atmosphere. Now, we want to immerse you in the experience of ordering a coffee at the counter like true Triestines."

Will you manage to make yourselves understood? Or will you end up with a macchiato instead of a cappuccino? Let us know!

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